Raymunds Homepage
www.butuanon.org |
a comprehensive info about Butuan City with e-mail address of Butuanons
all over the world |
European Phil. Service info about Agusan del Norte & Butuan City
Philippines |
European Phil. service info about Agusan del Sur |
European Phil service info about Surigao Del Norte & Surigao City |
European Phil service info about Surigao del Sur |
BCPD Butuan
City Planning & Development Office Homepage |
Butuan City Govt. BCPD office homepage with useful info about Butuan
Long Term and Short term Plan very useful to prospective investors in Butuan
City & Caraga region |
Balangay Festival
Butuan City Fiesta Homepage |
Butuan City Balangay Festival (May 19) in honor of St. Joseph (especially
Mutya hong Butuan Beauty pageant ) |
Caraga |
Department of Environment & Natural Resources Caraga Region 13
official homepage about Caraga region & its four provinces & 2
cities |
Piepenbrock homepage
about Butuan City |
a great home page about Butuan City by a foreigner married to a Filipina
from Butuan City,Agusan del Norte,Philippines really a good site with plenty
of pictures and useful informations about Butuan City |
Department of Trade & Industry official homepage about Caraga region
13 and its four provinces & two cities |
Robinson's Page
about Butuan |
home page of foreigner married to a Filipina from Butuan good site
with some pictures and info about Butuan |
College Homepage |
homepage of Urios College ,Butuan City established by late Fr. Saturnino
Urios,SJ founded in 1900 the no. 1 school in Butuan City |
Saint Joseph Institute of Technology Homepage founded by late Nicomedes
Salas from a mere offering of technology courses in 19__ to one of respected
school in Butuan City |
Jay Serrano's
Homepage |
a great site with plenty of links toButuan related sites also check
his mirror site at https://members.tripod.com/~JayHome |
Pinky's Homepage |
a homepage of a Butuanon now living in Metro Manila |
Brian's Homepage |
Club of Southern California |
a home page of Butuanons in Southern California with picture
gallery. |
Club Homepage |
Biangon Club Homepage |
Homepage |
personal homepage with info about Butuan |
Butuan Bread
of Life Ministries |
Homepage of Bread of Life Ministries _butuan chapter a Christian organization |
Butuan Jaycees Homepage |
Butuan Jaycees Homepage |
Butuan Karaga Hotel Homepage with pictures and online reservation |
Tree Farm Inc. |
Butuan Provident Tree Farm Inc. Homepage |
Otis Enterprises Homepage |
Otis Enterprises Homepage (one of Butuan Superstore ) |
Khalil's Homepage |
a personal homepage of a Butuanon now living abroad |
Page |
a personal homepage with info about Butuan |
Brian's ANHS
Homepage |
Home page about Agusan National High School by Brian |
Jay's BSP
Agusan Council HP |
Home page about Boy Scout Agusan Council by Jay |
Jester's Homepage |
Homepage of Jester |
Menchie's Homepage |
Homepage of Menchie |
Homepage |
Homepage of Satorre,______ |
Urios College
Alumni Registry |
Urios College Alumni Registry (current e-mail,address,info about Urios
College Alumni) |
Agusan National
High SchoolAlumni Registry |
ANHS Alumni Registry (current e-mail,address,info about Agusan National
High School Alumni) |
Nicolas College Alumni Registry -Surigao City |
San Nicolas College,Surigao City,Surigao del Norte Alumni Registry
(current e-mail,address,info about SNC Alumni |
Surigao |
The Captivating Islands of Surigao with Photos |
CFIP Surigao
Chapter |
Listings of CFIP members engaged in manufacturing furnitures in Surigao,
Philippines |
Sea Canoe in Surigao |
Sea Canoe International. Sea kayaking in Vietnam,Thailand & Philippines
with Sea Canoe. Triple award adventure travel in Busuanga,Surigao |
del Norte National High School Alumni Registry |
SNNHS,Surigao del Norte Alumni Registry(Current e-mail,address,info
about its Alumni) |
Screwface #Surigao's
Homepage |
Home Page of Screwface about Surigao and Pictures
of #Surigao Channel Regulars in the UNDERNET -IRC |
Pat Chua's
Poem Collections |
Pat Chua's
Cartoons Page |
Pat Chua's Cartoon creations from his High School days to present |
Tam's Poem Collections |
Beautiful page from a beautiful lady with Poem collections
,cool graphics and other fun stuff....... also view her ideal
man.......:) |